Firefighter Functional Fitness
Additional Resources
Like our book, our online program will give firefighters the tools, knowledge, and resources to optimize their fireground performance and career longevity. As we continue to develop the program, we wanted to provide our readers with Firefighter Functional Fitness podcasts, articles, and videos.
To get more info on our online program when it becomes available, sign up here:
Make sure to follow us on on all of our social media pages for daily tips, exercises, and motivation!

Introduction to Firefighter Functional Fitness: An Interview with the Authors
5-Alarm Task Force: Firefighter Functional Fitness
The Professional Volunteer Fire Department: Firefighter Functional Fitness
Resource #2 – ARTICLES

Firefighter Functional Fitness: 4 Tips for Getting Started
7 Tips for Planning your Weekly Workouts
10 Key Principles for Losing Weight and Staying Thin
TOP 10 Fire Station Functional Fitness Training Equipment – Part 1
For many more Firefighter Functional Fitness articles, head to
Resource #3 – VIDEOS
Come back soon to check out sample videos from The Big 8 Concept.